(5,4)- enriched nanotubes are a dispersion of (5,4) and (8,3) SWCNT. These nanotubes absorb best at approximately 480 nm and emit around 830nm. This puts their emission below the 850nm cutoff of many fluorescent plate readers.
Works with Existing Readers

Works with Silicon



At a small cost of purity, Zymosense can produce small diameter nanotubes in bulk. These nanotubes excite around 590 nm and emit around 880 nm, putting them within the sensing range of silicon photodetectors. These sensors can be purchased in a surfactant suspension, powder form, or in a custom aqueous dispersant.

Works with Silicon



These chiral single-walled carbon nanotubes excite at around 660 nm and emit at 980 nm. Due to the closeness of their excitation band to common red laser lines (650 nm), these nanotubes can provide exceptionally bright fluorescent signals with inexpensive excitation sources (e.g., red laser pointers). These sensors can be purchased in a surfactant suspension, powder form, or in a custom aqueous dispersant.

Zymosense Protease Assay Kit
Offers aqueous fluorescent probes for the measurement of protease. These probes use fluorescent nanotubes suspended in albumin to provide rapid measurement of proteolytic activity. These sensors are polydispersed with effective excitation/emission combinations at 565 nm/990 nm and 650 nm/ 980 nm. Chirally pure sensors may be made upon request (see Zymo(6,4) and (8,3) for more details about these chiralities).
Detectable Range of Emission/Excitation